Savage and Maul forge an alliance with the Death Watch

By Jay Cochran on 2013-01-16 in Movie & TV

After barely escaping their encounter with the Jedi at the beginning of the season, Savage and Maul are found by Death Watch. Both parties forge an alliance when they realize they have a common enemy in the Jedi general, Obi-Wan Kenobi, in “Eminence,” airing this Saturday, January 19th at 9:30am ET/PT on Cartoon Network.


· Guest Stars: Pre Vizsla is voiced by Producer/Director Jon Favreau, Darth Maul is voiced by actor Sam Witwer (Being Human), Savage Opress is voiced by actor Clancy Brown (The Shawshank Redemption) and Bo-Katan is voiced by actress Katee Sackhoff (Battlestar Galactica).

· The discovery of the incapacitated Sith brothers, nearly frozen in a drifting starship, was staged as an homage to the opening scenes of Aliens (1986) wherein Ripley is found by a salvage team.

· All the Huttese dialogue in the episode was translated from English. The phrase “Stuka Crispo,” heard uttered by Jabba the Hutt, means “Death Watch.”
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