Rebels Infiltrate the Heavily Fortified City of Iziz On The Next Episode Of Clone Wars

By Jay Cochran on 2012-10-10 in Movie & TV
Supervised by Ahsoka, the Onderon rebels infiltrate the capital and carry out a series of strikes on targets throughout the city. As the Separatist-aligned king comes under increasing pressure to deal with the growing rebellion, the rebels choose a new leader in “Front Runners,” airing this Saturday, October 13th at 9:30am ET/PT on Cartoon Network.

Episode Trivia:

· As is evident in this episode, the design of Iziz draws heavily from ancient Rome. King Sanjay Rash’s design heavily features Roman influences, included a headband that suggest gilded laurel leaves at his temples.

· The look of the Onderon rebels are very much inspired by the look of the commandos in Return of the Jedi.

· The droid watchtower seen in Iziz resembles a similar platform used by Rebel sentries on Yavin 4 in Star Wars, except these are elevated by repulsorlift technology as opposed to mounted on a physical stalk.
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