On May 4th, All Will Be Revealed...

By Bespin refugee on 2011-04-29 in Movie & TV
On May 4, at 6 am PST, (appropriately, on what is refered to by fans as "Star Wars Day" ('May the 4th be with you')), check out MayThe4th.starwars.com for information on Star Wars: The Complete Saga on BluRay
(Source: StarWars.com)


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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
SUPREMEQUEEN - 2008-08-18 @ 6:29 am
... And I notice you cannot spell sentence @smilepunch@

"TU CHEZ PUZZY CAT!!!" (im realy showing my age on that one). Old Tom & Jerry toon for you wipper snappers out there LOL.

Wheeljack35 - 2008-08-18 @ 5:59 am

... And I notice you cannot spell sentence @smilepunch@

SUPREMEQUEEN - 2008-08-18 @ 5:48 am
Waoh I didn't write this

I cut and pasted it from IESB

LOL, I kinda wondered if that was the case & frankly I almost started to ask you if you wrote this, but I didn't want to come off as implying you weren't capable of stringing together a few sentances. *smile*

CLAM34 - 2008-08-18 @ 5:46 am

the GL flick sounds great..

as for JLA... can't they figure out a way to get the current Bale Batman in it? Doesn't seem too difficult for me for them to get Bale and Routh in it as Bats and Supes...

comic fans like that sorta thing..

Wheeljack35 - 2008-08-18 @ 5:34 am

Waoh I didn't write this

I cut and pasted it from IESB

SUPREMEQUEEN - 2008-08-18 @ 3:42 am

WOW! Great review Wheeljack! Ok, 1st i'll say that YES, that script out line does sound pretty good. The only consern i'd have is all this talk about epic space battles.

Don't get me wrong, I think it would be wicked to see GL do his thing in space, but from what Wheeljack said it kinda sounded like the bulk of the fight & FX will take place in space perticulery near Oa fighting Legion or Sinestro.

IMO I think it'd be better (for continuty & human relating sake), to keep GL some what linked to Earth. Meaning for the 1st film let's see GL wip up all thoes constructs on Earth. That way when we see let's say a gigantic green crane (an earth vehicule), it'll have more meaning on earth IMO. hmmm, I just wonder.

Maby that the issue here. thats just what the makers are hoping to avoid! If this is a space film then we would'nt expect to see constructs so much. Instead we'd be more accecpting of the notion of "lazer" (hehe I always feel like Dr. Evil when I say that) fire & cutting swords & defence bubble constructs. In other words, if the majority of this film is held in space, then its safe to say Jordan will use his ring more like John Steward. which for me anyway, might not be so bad (constructs are cool & all, but its not what realy draws me to the GL Corps).

But wheather its a space baced movie or earth baced, I want to walk away from this flim REALY FEELING like I understand just how effin deadly & distructive these rings are. After all who has'nt gotten a ring out of a bubble gum machine before? & that's just the subconsicence attitude a lot of people will have about the thought of a "power ring". I mean the very sound of it comes off a lil ghey.

Oh yeah & one more bit of advice about how to make it. If you do go the space movie route & you don't get it right, then get ready to have people say "its just like Star Wars, but instead of light sabers they use rings". That's why I think it'd be good for the 1st one to be near earth, & if u use constructs it'll seem that much less like SW.

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