Just found it today and snatched it up. Love the Dusty and Serpentor figures and another BAT never hurts.
Just walked into a Target today in my area and found this along with the other two packs for the first time. Had to grab all three to complete the set. All I can say is about time. YO JOE!
Out here in san diego, most of the time you can see that wave in stores, not often you don't. In fact at some places they get wave 1 back in from time to time at the targets. Most of the figures in the ASA set are nice. I would have liked a more green and accurate serpentor, other than that he still is a nice figure. I can't wait for the last one to hit stores, and while I'm on it this paycheck I will pick up the set with quick kick in it. I actually like this idea for the sets, I hope they make more after this assortment is done, as long as the repaints are at a minimum unless they are army builders.
has this been released yet?Yes. Try some of the larger Wal-marts. The one near me never gets anything.
I've only ever seen like 3 (and one had a replaced Corps figure). NOBODY has anything new for some reason.
Is it up on youtube?
has this been released yet?
Yes. Try some of the larger Wal-marts. The one near me never gets anything.
has this been released yet?
Here's a revelation; I don't ever remember seeing the "Arise Serpentor Arise" episodes as a kid. (lol) Can you believe that?!
Attilla should have been Dr. Mindbender!
He stll could be... if you follow the comic!
Ugh, Dusty's a real let down. Who's doing the final camo job on these suckers? The first pics we saw looked great. Serpentor looks okay, best we've seen yet. BAT is good too. That corpse though - what a friggin' waste of plastic.