The Clone Wars Season 2 Preview

By Bespin refugee on 2009-03-30 in Movie & TV
Check out for a video preview of the next season of The Clone Wars.


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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
amazingdm - 2008-05-18 @ 7:37 pm

I'd be super excited for a 5th one, even if it did suck... which would suck.

But here are the problems

1) Mutt. I can already tell this is a super-artificial "let's make him the new Indy!" character.

2) steven spielberg might not want to direct. george lucas is an awful awful movie maker, he uses cgi way too much and cgi is cheating. George lucas is the bill bilachek of movies. He tries to pretend like he had all this stuff planned out from the beginning (star wars that is) but he's full of it

shokker - 2008-05-18 @ 10:08 am

stupid idea. i first had the same reaction to see the 4th movie first then judge about shia but then, indiana jones movie without focusing on ford as indiana? @loll@ @loll@ @loll@ lets be honest here. i am with the guy above. do a last movie just focusing on indiana instead of the sidekicks and let the movies get the stage of big classics in movie history.

Ccav - 2008-05-18 @ 9:00 am

Dear George Lucas,

You suck at directing Movies, and your new ideas fail at comparison to your first.

Please retire and let Spielberg and Ford do the Plot lines.

thank you,

Concerned fan.

P.S. most of your new ideas suck. Indiana Jones does not fight Aliens, and without Indana, there is no Movie, let Ford play out one of his Unique Characters, Leave Shia to be as Bumble Bee's new friend, and Let Indiana be Indiana... not Mutt Jones ect.

hamsterboy - 2008-05-18 @ 5:14 am

Ford's right. Look how long it took to get this one done. How long do you think it will be before we see a fifth?

featofstrength - 2008-05-18 @ 4:09 am

Id kill to see an Indiana Jones movie that focused more on Indiana Jones and less on goofy-ass sidekicks

Pit Viper - 2008-05-18 @ 3:25 am

I'll save my comments as to if this would be a terrible or great idea until after I have seen the Kingdom of the Crystal Skulls.

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