3 3/4" Luke Skywalker Battle On Hoth By Hemble

By Jay Cochran on 2008-05-26 in Custom Toys & Art
Here is a new Jedi Insider custom of a 3 3/4" Luke Skywalker Battle On Hoth By Hemble. Here is how he describes the making of this figure:

I've always wanted to do a Hoth Luke so when the Hasbro VOTC X-Wing came out I new it would be the perfect figure for the job as it has great articulation and makes for better poses. Once I got the desired pose I started using GW's green stuff to start making the jacket he wore in the movie.

Once the green stuff dried I painted him using Vallejo and GW paints using washes, drybrushing and normal painting technics to get the desired look.


Body and Helmet- The body andhelmet are from Hasbro's VOTC Series X-Wing Luke, I used GW's greenstuff to add the padding and extra jackets parts.

Boots - The boots are from the Hasbro VOTC Bespin Luke.

Gloves - The gloves are from Hasbro's SAGA AT-AT Driver.

Head - The head are from the Hasbro VOTC Bespin Luke.

Equipment - The blaster and saber are from the VOTC X-Wing Luke, the Grappling gun and Grenade are scratch built using parts from the bits box.

Base - The base is from a Marvel legends figure it has been covered in plaster then pianted using GW Codex Grey and then drybrushed with Vallejo's Pure White. After the piant dried I smeared woodglue/PVA over it and then covered it using palster of paris to get the snow affect, the whole figure was then sprayed with testor's dull coate.

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